2 June 2018

Flashback: Tires as a fence!!

In Mongolia, we saw this often… a series of tires seemingly half buried in the ground. See the picture. There were some cases where we saw about 50 of these lined up like in the picture.

From the folks here, found out that they demarcate their property boundary in this fashion. Instead of putting a fence, this is how they draw the boundary line. I guess old tires must be very readily available with all that wear and tear on dirt roads.

Have you ever seen anything like this anywhere?

2 June 2018

Flashback: That was an impressive number of cars…

It was Mongolia’s Mother’s and Children’s day. June 1st. Everybody gets out of the city to vacation in the mountains and by the river for a couple of days. They simply camp out. As unbelievable as it sounds, there was over 10 km (6 miles) of bumper to bumper cars on the road, plodding along lightly. We were glad we were headed back into the city!!

2 June 2018

Flashback: That is the Trans Siberian Rail line!

While in school, we had learnt about the Trans Siberian rail line that went from Vladivostok on the eastern end of Russia to Moscow. During our travels, we met a gentleman who has done that trip! In fact, we also met a young lady who is doing the segment from Beijing to Moscow. She is just hopping out in the big cities for a few days each, enjoying the landscape and people there and then jumping back on….

Never thought I will actually see that Trans Siberian Rail line!

Roger Whitney, are you thinking what I am thinking? Could we be just crazy enough to…? 🙂