19 July 2019

Hey! I know that face!!

Erin recently pointed me to a New York Times article that talked about how hard work and discipline leads girls to beat boys in school and the same thing leads them to fall behind in office. (If any of you care – here is the article: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/07/opinion/sunday/girls-school-confidence.amp.html)

I was reading some more follow up articles online when I ran into this particular one in Inc. Magazine. (https://www.inc.com/natasha-roy/tamara-mellon-jimmy-choo-company-culture.html?cid=hmsub1)

And recognized the editor immediately!! I know her!!

[Tagging Natasha]

15 July 2019

Family Reunion. Of sorts!

On Friday, after having dinner in Gastonia, NC, we decided we were tired. Booked a hotel in Charlotte about 30 minutes away and called it a day. Next day, we got started at 10am and then kept climbing up I-95 one state at a time. Every two and a half hours of drive, we took a break to relax at a Starbucks or have lunch and all that. Finally when we were an hour away from Washington DC – which is where I was targeting to stay the night, we realized that the roads were a mess. It was around 6 in the evening and all roads around DC were parking lots.

We got off 95 and headed towards Baltimore on 301 bypassing DC altogether. After driving thru some beautiful rural country, eventually, we got near Baltimore and we thought we had some more energy left. Booked a hotel in Wilmington, DE and crossed one last state border for the day. That was a marathon 12 hours on the road.

The good news was that it left only around 6 more hours to be driven the next day. Even better news was that we would be going thru New York! Guess who came out of the city to have lunch with us in a restaurant off I-95 in Secaucus? That was a family reunion of sorts!!! I think the last time the Roy family got together was after Natasha came back from Ghana last year!

12 May 2019

Solving some logic puzzles

It is raining incessantly in Atlanta. Some quality time with Nikita in the porch trying to solve logic problems. So far, she has beaten me to the answers in all three of them. But I am plotting to move now to my strong category 🙂

2 May 2019

It was her turn to buy me a drink today!!

Swung by the Big Apple to check on Natasha who just turned 21 the previous day. She was deeply disappointed that she did not get carded at the bar when she ordered her drink. It was only a couple of hours but I had a great time with her and her friends – Avery and Cynthia.

The big debate of the evening was whether I will show up for her wedding. While she insisted that I have to show up, I would concede only if it is a destination wedding where I can show up in shorts and a beach shirt. Twenty one years and I do not think she has quite understood how my presence is felt and absence celebrated 🙂

Also, there was that bit about me and the CIA. I will let her elaborate 🙂

15 April 2019

The second one outlived the first one!

In the 26 years that I have been in this country, I have owned two cars. The first one – the car I really loved – was my trusted Honda Civic. It lasted me nearly 11 years. I used it a lot. And abused it a lot more. In the end, most of the electronics had quit on me, the driver side window could not be lowered and in an incline, after coming to a full stop, it would inexplicably start rolling. I would have to furiously pump the brake pedal a few times to get it to stop and then it would start rolling off again. Which was not an issue in Dallas with all the flat lands. But in Atlanta, that was a serious problem.

The new company that I had joined in Atlanta spend more money moving it to Atlanta than the car itself was worth. The best part during the move was looking at the pockmarked diagram the mover had drawn (it had so many hail damages that I never bothered to fix and he was not in a hurry to take any blame) – it was worse than a kid’s face afflicted with chicken pox! Well, Sharmila forced me to give up on that car due to safety reasons. It was a few miles before 160,000 miles and I never got to reach it.

Now, my second car has successfully reached that milestone. This one is 12 years old now and is getting long in the tooth too. The company stopped making this model a few years back. To give you an idea how old it is … it has a CD drive and no USB ports! Which, along with a lot of the on-board electronics, quit working some time back. The tire pressure gives false readings all the time – especially when it gets cold. But the most infuriating part is that the cigarette lighter does not work. In case you were wondering… it is my ability to charge my phone that has gone up in smoke!

All the same, it has done the job of taking me from Point A to Point B for twelve years. Sometimes with panache and sometimes reluctantly. But the driver side window still works and it reached this morning that coveted 160,000 mile mark!!

[No comments on me taking pictures while driving at 20 mph, please 🙂 🙂 ]