28 February 2016

Sunday morning speedruns

As the Chalupa group hit the trail for their 5K run, I went to the nearby tracks to put in some speed runs. Did a few 100 meter sprints with a lot of recovery times in between. The best dash was at 15 seconds (100 m). That was at about 4 min/mile (only for 100 m though). One shot came pretty cool – with both feet clearing the ground by about six inches. However, you can also see the grimace on the face as I was gasping for air with the heartbeat hitting close to 180.


24 February 2016

This is too funny!

CNN headline on my iPhone screamed that Trump won big in Nevada.

And an apparently thrilled Trump explained his victory right below that headline. His exact quote “I love the poorly educated”. (see image)

Where is the 5th amendment when he really needs it? ๐Ÿ™‚


Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
21 February 2016

Chalupa (non)Run

Healing from the half marathon of yesterday, today was a rest day for me. I did join the Chalupa group though to give some moral support and see if I could catch the paparazzi that keeps taking my pictures during the runs ๐Ÿ™‚

That, and the coffee-adda!! ๐Ÿ™‚
