31 December 2016

The story of a thousand miles in 2016

Total Runs: 175
Half Marathons: 8
Lowest temperature : 9 deg F
Highest temperature: 91 deg F
Number of US states: 12
Number of countries: 2
Fastest pace: 7 miles at 8:07 min/mile
Fastest half marathon: 1 hour 52 mins

Some memorable moments:
1st mile: On Jan 1 with Puja (see the very first picture)
1000th mile: On Dec 29 with brother (see the very last picture) Chiradeep
Winning a medal after deciding the previous night to put in a half marathon race next day (picture in the middle)
Running in the dark with Samaresh and then stopping to watch the moon. (picture bottom right of the above picture)
Getting lost in the forests somewhere in Virginia (the right most picture in the same row as above picture)
Getting caught in howling winds and rains in mid town Atlanta and then deciding to run in an underground parking lot (picture is below the picture with Samaresh and myself)
Getting frustrated with a peer CEO who canceled our meeting. So I went for a run in his city instead (bottom most picture from the above picture).
Running to the post office to mail a letter (picture left of the above picture)
Discovering the power of orange (the fruit, not my shorts color) as a post run refreshment (left bottom picture)

24 December 2016

My milestone for the year and Ram’s paparazzi will have to wait…

This morning I went for my 5 mile run with great anticipation that I would achieve my annual goal for this year to hit 1000 miles. The run started pretty well. I briskly went past the first mile and the second mile. And then turned around at the two and a half mile marker. All the while I was thinking about the moment when I would reach the starting point to reach the milestone. And reflecting on the past on how I got initiated into running and so many great people I have met on the trails that I would have missed if I did not pick up running.

I also tried to think about all the people who I might have influenced into running. The one guy I could immediately think of is my brother. We have been very close throughout our lives. Other than my mom, he is the only person that I call up everyday even if for a couple of moments. While he clearly has been a far more athletic person than me thru childhood, I have been more active physically over the last decade and a half. Five years or so back, during one my trips to India, I got him to come out and run with me. He got hooked. Being much more athletic, he accelerated very quickly. Within one year, he started posting 30K runs.

It is still religion for the two brothers to go out for a run in the morning whenever I am in India. You might even recollect how in my last visit, having landed very early in the morning, we changed into our running clothes at the airport and then drove to our parents’ house. At the break of dawn, we went out for a run and THEN knocked on my parents’ house. Thereby confusing the daylights of my just-woken-up dad who was still dazed and asked us if we had run all the way from Kolkata airport!!!

Coming back to today, around the time I took the turn at the two and a half mile marker, a thought came to my mind. The thought got stronger and stronger with every step. The thought was simple – why waste a great moment of achieving a goal just to myself? Why not make it memorable by sharing with somebody else? What if I stopped running and saved the last couple of miles for my brother? I am going to be in India next week. Why not step past the 1000 mile marker while running along with my brother?

And in a few minutes the plan was cemented. The goal will have to be postponed till I am with my brother next week!

I just wish I had these kind of brainwaves in more appropriate times. Had I thought about it earlier, it would have saved me a lot of time. As you must have guessed, as I drew up to the third mile marker, I stopped running, stopped the Garmin running watch and simply walked back to the starting point.

998 miles down.

2 more to go.

Can’t wait to run with my younger brother in a few more days…

24 December 2016

From the bartender’s corner – Kiss Me Quick

When I read up about this drink, I was assuming that it would have some relationship with the cocktail Kiss Me Slow that I had made almost a year back. Turns out they have nothing to do with each other. This has Curacao, Absinthe, Bitters and Soda Water.

Not my most favorite cocktail. The Absinthe, of course brought the freshness but the taste was too bland to the tongue. Plus I do not think I am a big soda water fan. But here it is if you want to try it out…

22 December 2016

‘Tis the season to be jolly..

This is one hilarious family!!!
Last night, it was pretty late by the time I came home from Milwaukee. I had a quick dinner and went off to sleep.

Early this morning, I woke up and was making coffee for the family when I noticed what the two daughters have been up to! In one of those rare moments of sisterly collaboration, Natasha – who is home from New York – and Nikita have put some some Christmas wish lists on the refrigerator. I wish I could say there was no selfish desire behind this.

What is really funny is the content in the lists… Looks like Natasha wants some colorful pens (that is sooooo me) and a few books. It also says – “any one book” lest we thought she is crazy thinking she wants more than one book. And get this – permission to dye her hair!! An 18 year old asking for permission??? I must have done something right!!

Niki – spoken like Niki – went straight to the point – money! And another dog!! And no Saturday math!!! And if she got all that, she was down with some world peace and all that mundane stuff!!!

Sharmila, no doubt, worn by a whole day of the two sisters under the same roof just wants peace and serenity. To which one of them wrote “No promises”!!

And finally dad had a clean slate, till somebody – and I am going to go out on a limb and suggest Nikita – wrote down her impression of daddy really wants – get this – “Facebook Likes” apparently!!!

Somewhere Zuckerberg must be high fiving himself!!!

18 December 2016

Nikispeak – or rather, Niki action

Nikita had to go to a friend’s party. Apparently, the dress code was “ugly sweater”. After finishing up some math with her, I told her that she probably should get upstairs and get ready and asked her which sweater was she planning to wear. She went upstairs and after about ten minutes came back to ask me what I thought of it.

It took me a second to realize that she had taken one of her sweaters and had duct taped a good size mirror to it. It took me more than a second to figure out how it was supposed to be “ugly”. Then it hit me!!!

That was outrageously funny, wicked smart and really, really mean at the same time. And such are the days that she really makes me proud of her 🙂