22 July 2013

When the two brothers get together, a cup of tea cannot be too far!!!

Got started with my brother from the airport at the dead of the night towards my parents’ place. (Couple of hours drive).
The roads are very difficult to navigate – no median, no lanes, oncoming headlights straight into your face…Worse all tea stalls open only around 6 ๐Ÿ™‚
Suddenly my brother swung off the road and pulled over under a streetlight. And out from his boot came out two cups and a thermos of tea!!


22 July 2013

Kolkata trumps Doha

Cannot believe I am saying this, but the new Calcutta airport is more impressive than the Doha airport. I was in this airport in March and reported how nice it is – but I came in as a domestic passenger. As an international passenger today, from stepping out from the aeroplane to getting out of the airport took all of three minutes (admittedly I had no checking luggage to wait for).
But in the same situation, Doha took from aeroplane to transit lounge almost 30 minutes! Not sure why but Doha does not have aero bridges. Not only did we have to get into the buses in 105 degrees temp, the bus went and dropped first the non-transit passengers – which is on one end of the airport and then dropped the transit passengers – which is on another end. You would think with all the connecting flights, they would do it the other way round.
Not impressed with Doha at all. I will get a second chance to make another impression a week from now. Will see how that works out. Meanwhile back to warm and muggy Kolkata.
On my way to Kalyani now where my parents are….

22 July 2013

What size do I wear?

First time flying Qatar Airways. Need some getting used to the pleasantness of the airlines staff (very typical of most Asian airlines). But some of their attention is throwing me off.
So, this young sweet lady takes me from the door to my seat and offers to put my suitcase up on the bin. Somewhat indignant, I thanked her and to make light of the situation said that I only look old. I am not that old and I can lift the suitcase.
Not to be outdone, she asked if she can get me my pajamas !!!
I am having a WTF moment if course! What does she mean if she can get me my pajamas? A few moments later, still more confused than thoughtful, I said “Sure”!
Oh! Boy!! Did I ever get myself in trouble. For she continued with her onslaught – “What size sir? Small, Medium, Large, Xtra Large or Xtra Xtra Large”. Finally, I broke down. I sat down on my seat and explained “Ma’m, the only person who knows the right answer to that question is in Atlanta. My wife does all my shopping.”
She was sympathetic. She said I should be Large but she will give me an Xtra Large so that I will be comfortable.
A few minutes and a quick trip to the plane restroom later, here I am flopping around like a scarecrow in my oversized clothes getting ready to sink in my seat ๐Ÿ™‚