26 June 2023

We have finally boarded, but…

There is something vaguely disconcerting about watching two maintenance guys going up and down the aisle with nothing but a lot of duct tape in their hand!!!

They actually used some of that on the floor near the galley and then went to the rear of the plane.

Traveling Delta over the pond after a long time. Actually, traveling to Europe after a long time.

25 June 2023

I thought the first law of airport queues stated

that the length of check in queue is strictly less than or equal to the length of the security queue which is vastly less than the queue at the Starbucks near the gate.

Now I realize customers queuing up to get new flights after missing their flights on a weather-devastated airline schedule totally trumps the Starbucks.

The queue inside Terminal E at Atlanta airport was unbelievable. And this is near midnight!! The queue went as far as my eyes could see. I could not even capture that in my phone with max zoom out. Had to use the Pano mode.

Why don’t people simply try changing the flights on their apps or at least call up and then let them call back? The Delta app is incredibly good at making all sorts of changes for disrupted flights.

25 June 2023

Airport means running into old friends

The flight is scheduled to take off from Terminal E. But I went to Terminal F to settle down in the bigger Skyclub there.

Moment I entered, I ran into Manu and his daughter! Turns out they are also headed to Edinburgh!! That is a real coincidence. We might not have met had they decided to go to the normal Skyclub that would make logical sense!

Manu reminded me of the time when I apparently had played with his daughter when she was very young in the billiard room of their housing complex community hall. I could not remember that. I am really getting old.

Looks like when taking the selfie, I manage to place the camera just in the right place for the shadow to make Manu look like the old pirates with an eye patch over his right eye!!

25 June 2023

Somebody explain this to me

I had gone in to Starbucks for about an hour. When I come back, I see this.

Notice carefully – there is a cobweb strand connecting the side view mirror of the car to the rear bag of my motorcycle.

Here is my question – how did the spider travel near horizontally in the air? It could not have gone to the ground, crossed over and then climbed up. There was no wind to talk about either.

That is an amazing achievement. And something I cannot quite figure out how it managed to do.

Category: Puzzles | LEAVE A COMMENT
24 June 2023

I think I might be know somebody famous!

We were walking in downtown Alpharetta when I spotted something in the newspaper dispenser on a busy street. The local newspaper – Alpharetta Roswell Herald was on full display. And right on the top in the middle of the newspaper, I thought I recognized something. Stepping in closer, I thought I saw a horse painting that looked like one that Sharmila had done.

Stepping in even closer, I noticed that even she is there in the picture. (sitting in the front row to your left).

Jay Jay was remarkably uninterested in my find!

24 June 2023

A very talented guy – Geno

We were walking in downtown Alpharetta when we came across one more of those live music going on. This was at the intersection of Canton and Academy in front of Coalition.

This gentleman – Geno – is really talented. He was certainly singing and playing the guitar as many do. Simultaneously, he was playing the bass with his two feet on that instrument you can see. I was impressed enough that I waited for him to finish his song and then chatted him up.

Apparently he has been doing this for 30 years!!

23 June 2023

Should be an unique experience

After being away from the airport for 9 days – in what must be some sort of a record for me – here I am, on a flight again. This time headed to Denver. For something I don’t usually do.

During my never ending travels, I do take the opportunity to meet friends and folks from my past who might be living nearby. Almost always one on one. But I never make it to any of the reunions that are organized by folks from my past. Partly because these are invariably during weekends and my weekends are usually jam packed with all sorts of stuff.

In the recent past there has been a couple of exceptions. It is related to the fact that I do not work any more. In fact, on my first day of stepping out of work this year, I showed up in San Diego with Sharmila for a reunion of my year dorm folks from my engineering college.

A few days back, Srini called me up and said – “Hey the CPC gang is getting together. Do you want to come?”. Apparently many of the folks that were in my first project in my first job in Mumbai – who are now in the USA – had had some extensive discussions on Whatsapp groups to arrange for a get together. The problem is I do not participate in any Whatsapp groups either and was completely oblivious of this.

Figuring I did not have anything else going on and that these days I cannot differentiate which is a weekend day and which is a weekday anyways, I signed up!!

And here I am … going to meet those folks that I started working with in 1991 and some that I have not seen since 1993. But we were all part of what most of us consider to be one of the best projects of our lives!!

Shoutout to Srini for bringing my attention to this.