20 May 2021

You know, every time I think I understand how airlines work…

… the airlines come up with a curve ball for me. Yet another first time for me!!!

Sitting at the Delta Skyclub, as I wrapped up my office emails – I looked up at the display board to see if there was any delay in my flight. And sure enough – the top entry showed “Canceled”. The destination? Atlanta! The time of departure? 5:04!!

That is my flight 🙂

8 million miles later, I have figured out how to take these things in my stride. What I was curious about though is why I did not get a notification from Delta. Usually, they let me know how they have rebooked me. Checked on my phone and it said my flight was on time!!

Thoroughly confused, I went closer to the display board to check. And you can see what I am confused with even now…

2 different flights – same airlines – same destination – same time – one canceled and one on time! Luckily my number matched the one on time.

I looked up Delta’s website on the canceled flight number to see if it was delayed. I could not find any such flight today or tomorrow!!

I have no idea what happened here…

18 May 2021

Meeting the full Chakraborty family for the first time…

There have been a few hits and misses with this family…
In 2017, met Tapas and Jhumpa at a common friend’s place in Kolkata. But Bijin did not come.
In 2019, I went to Oman (where they live) for work but they were visiting India. (perhaps, got wind of the fact that I was coming!)
In 2020, Bijin joined our company as an intern but he was working from Purdue and I was working from Atlanta.
Finally, in 2021, managed to meet all of them together in Chicago!!

18 May 2021

He got too busy for me

This week, I am back in our Chicago office again! Was wondering what the Big Bear was going to be up to this week.

Surprisingly, did not find him at the front desk or at my desk. Went around snooping to look for him. Found him in a conference room talking to a customer!!

Came back to my desk quietly so he would not notice me and start following me again! 🙂

16 May 2021

Book Review – The Art of Logic in an Illogical World by Eugenia Chang

I got interested in this book when I saw this in a picture of pile of books a school friend of mine had read thru during his bout of Covid in India. It is an interesting book but I would not suggest it for most people. People who are willing to understand the fallacies of arguments in a heated debate (but really can’t use it to make the other person change his/her mind) might find this interesting. It is like knowing the theory but not being able to put it to practice (or at least much of it).

That said, Eugenia – a British mathematician – does a good job of explaining what is logic, when it works, when it does not work and why it is often not an effective instrument in convincing the other person in a debate.

One quick point she brings upfront in the book is the difference between math and all other subjects. It is the use of logic that enables mathematicians to reach agreements that withstand the test of centuries whereas other subjects – notably science – is continuously refining its points of view.

Math uses logic and science uses evidence. Logical implication means that something is definitely true. Evidence simply means that it contributes to the probability that something is true. To be fair, she does point out that even in math, the whole construct of logic is built upon mutually agreed axioms.

Usually, logic fails due to involvement of emotions, too much data, too little data or too much randomness.

Logic is a great way to verify truth. But that is not the same as convincing others of truth. When we use language, the primary aim of normal language is to simply communicate (as opposed to the primary aim of logical language – which is to remove ambiguity). Verifying and conveying are two different things.

Again, read this is if you try to understand some of the background of why there are so many deeply formed divisive opinions – politics is a prime example today but religion used to be before. It is not going to make you any more effective in trying to change minds though.

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15 May 2021

From the bartender’s corner – Ko Adang

Picked up this recipe from Mr. Boston Drinks. But I cannot find the history behind the name. Sounds very Thai origin. I think Ko Adang is the bigger island next to the Ko Lipe island in Thailand that has the famous Pattaya beach.

Very tropical is its ingredients, this has two kind of rums – Anejo rum and Coconut rum along with lime juice, mango juice, coconut water and ginger liqueur.