9 November 2013

I have created a Frankenstein

Got a call from FedEx last night informing us that Natasha’s large print job was over. Natasha, who was getting wary of getting the printouts in time for her debate today, had asked me barely a minute back if they had called.

So, I yelled from downstairs to her (she was in her room upstairs), saying “They just called”. Β And for good measure threw in “To say they love you” πŸ™‚

Nikita, her 9 year old sister, had this quizzical look on her face – so I told her “There is a song – ‘I just called to say I love you'”

Without missing a beat, she retorted “Mmmm hmmm… I bet, YOU have never made that call” πŸ™‚

[And all these days, I thought, one wife was enough to humble me for life πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ ]

9 November 2013

Religious wars!

The religious wars over android vs iOS vs Microsoft has not escaped the team I work with. A classic conversation over drinks this evening….
Raj (a diehard iOS hater) : “I tested out Surface this weekend”….
Sunjay (iOS fan; but more importantly a fan of poking fun at Raj) : “So, it was YOU…” (Implying that only one person tested out surface this weekend)….
I am still trying to get over Sunjay’s sharp and quick wit on that one.
Very very funny. Unless you are a FB friend of mine who works at Microsoft, of course!!!