27 May 2018

First stop of the day – Erdeene Zuu monastery

Only a fraction of the monastery remains after most of the buildings were destroyed during the time Mongolia was under the communist regime. What remains though, is still very beautiful. This is one of the few buildings remaining…

This is in Harhorin in Orkhon valley. This was the place Chinggis Khan had originally established as the capital of the Mongol empire till his grandson Kublai Khan moved it to Peking. (Beijing)

27 May 2018

First sight in the morning…

Woke up in the middle of the night and had the experience of having to dress up and go out to the ger bathroom (which is a little walk away) in howling wind and cold conditions. Made the sleeping thereafter much easier.

Finally woke up after sunrise and came out of the ger to this view… A big mountain in front of us and a ger village in its cradle…