21 September 2014

“Running” into old friends!!

Went for a Chalupa run after a long time. Due to my India trip and solo runs on Sundays before that, I had not seen Chalupa group for over a month. It was good to see them. Also realized the womenfolk are far outnumbering the menfolk in Chalupa these days. If I have my stats right, in reality, women amateur runners (specially long distance) far outnumber men in this country. We had a newcomer in Sheuly today!!

Speaking of meeting old friends, after the run, just as we were getting in our cars to go to Starbucks, I thought I saw somebody at the water fountain that I knew. Sure enough, it was Valerie from my old running group. She is visiting Atlanta for a couple of weeks from Singapore. I think the last time I saw her was on a flight to DC about three years back.

And as if that was not enough, as we stood in the queue at Starbucks, ran into their new manager – Heidi – another old running group member!! I distinctly remember running with her and her dog on a Friday morning and I was the one left panting πŸ™‚

Good to run into old running friends on the road…


14 September 2014

Sweating it out…

In the middle of a sweltering hot morning and oppressive humidity (high nineties), my brother and I asked ourselves during a 5K run – “what might give us some relief?”. Putting our combined infinite wisdom together, we settled down for some tongue-scalding tea from a street side vendor!!

It is true that when extremely dehydrated, the brain seems not to work πŸ™‚


1 September 2014

A little hard labor on Labor Day

Chalupa runners wanted to take advantage of a Labor Day holiday and put in an extra run at our normal trail. Except, when we showed up, everything was shut down for a scheduled race. We went to a different trail nearby. It was a nice trail but very hilly. In Samaresh’s words, “Se ki Up. Baap-re baap” πŸ™‚
Put in 5K before the group showed up and another 5K with the group. Apart from our usual suspects, we had our visiting runner Arka from Alabama and quite a few of our youngsters – Uma, Niki, Raya and Pooja. Pooja, as always, pushed me hard. We clipped the first mile at abut 7:30 min/mile.


Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
31 August 2014

His last Sunday Chalu-pa meeting

After going for a walk with the Chalu-pa runners every Sunday for a few months before he broke his hip, my father-in-law finally arrived at the last Sunday before he leaves for India. I skipped my run so that I could take him to join the rest of the Chalu-pa group for the customary coffee after run. He walked in hobbling with his stick just as the rest of the group settled down after the run… Was a good last Sunday β€œadda”!


Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
24 August 2014

Enjoyable 10 mile run

After almost three months, put in a 10 mile (16 K) run. The most fun part was Nikita joined me in her bike for the first 3.1 miles (5K). At one point we raced going downhill. We both peaked at 5:30 min/mile on the dirt roads. As a result I had to slow down to 10:30 min/mile for the last seven miles. Very sultry day but the constant breeze made it enjoyable.