24 March 2015

Another of those trick photography

Crystal clear day… Cloudless blue skies… Beautiful early morning sunlight. 5 mile run by the River Chattahoochee. Took a shot by the river with my iPhone while running. You can see the beautiful sky and the early sun hitting the trees.

What may not be immediately apparent is that what you are seeing is actually a reflection in the water. If you do not believe me, try turning the picture upside down!!!

Raghu, you may want to listen to Bob’s advice from last time and just keep you ipad on the table and go around the table 🙂


21 March 2015

Building up on strength and endurance

After two Saturday 10-mile runs this month, wanted to see if I could speed up a little. Last two were 10:32 min/mile and 10:04 min/mile. Was targeting a 9:45 min/mile (about an hour and thirty eight minutes) today. Due to some incomprehensible enthusiasm, started too fast. Eventually paced it out to finish at 9:14 min/mile (an hour and thirty two minutes). I did have to take two water breaks and allow myself to catch up with my breath. I have no doubt that I am going to pay for this dearly tomorrow. It was an absolutely gorgeous spring day though!!


Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
17 March 2015

Dressed for the run! Dressed for the day!

My office colleague -Tim, was in town for some meetings. He lives in beautiful Oregon and is an active trail runner. Last night we had decided that we will put in a run together this morning. Met him in his midtown hotel this morning and we went around running in Georgia Tech campus.

The sharp eyed amongst you, no doubt have noticed that my running clothes were totally compliant with St. Patrick’s day :-). Tim, on the other hand, realized at the last moment that he had forgotten to pack his running shorts. We agreed to go ahead with the run with Plan B – his blue polka-dotted boxer shorts 🙂

It was a great run. Beautiful cool morning and Tim slowed down enough that I was able to post one of my fastest runs 🙂


6 March 2015


A shot from this morning’s five mile run. I am sure it looks like a beautiful house in an idyllic rural setting. But the dark bars in the top is jarring and out of place – right? Now turn the picture upside down!!!! The picture is a reflection of one of my neighbor’s house in the crystal clear water of his lake. The black bars are nothing but the horse fence.

That was a beautiful morning run!!!
