5 July 2013

How often does this happen?

Yesterday, while climbing up Murray Rd from the Falls, I heard somebody yelling my name. Sure enough, Aabhas Chandra – a colleague from long past – a decade in fact – had somehow managed to recognize me in a crowd thru all the changes I have gone thru in that decade!!! Both of us were in a hurry at that moment – so we scooted off at that time after exchanging pleasantries…
And then we got together this morning in the one way I know how to catch up with long lost friends – we ran for half an hour in front of the Niagara Falls and then grabbed a Starbucks!!!
Evidently, the arcs of lives meet more than once!!!


29 June 2013

Best laid plans of mice and men…

What was going to be a rather unique solution to a logistics problem – drop the rental car at the city location and then run back home – turned out rather horribly. Was not paying attention while driving. As a result, took a wrong turn while running back and by the time I realized it, it was too late. Instead of a five mile run on gentle slopes, it was nearly double the distance over three hills πŸ™ In full sunlight, 88 degrees and a humidity that can put Kolkata during monsoons to shame!! Had to take not one, not two but three breaks πŸ™

26 June 2013

Letter Puzzle

A teacher in a class of small kids asked them to categorize all the letters of the alphabet by a certain rule. Most students came up with the following correct answer which has three categories:

1. B

2. A, D, O, P, Q, R,

3. C, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Can you guess what was the rule that the teacher had given?

23 June 2013

Countryside stop and go

Since we ran out of Bengalis in our Sunday Funday Runday, I went ahead and ran by myself in the countryside. Instead of a continuous run on the dirt road, I just took it easy and stopped to talk to the horses and pet them. There were some lovely birds in the trees – unfortunately my iPhone camera could not zoom well… Then I came upon a snake – duly pulverized πŸ™‚ Cooled down with a jump in the pool and now coffee time!!! Miss the Starbucks motorcycle gang though!!!


21 June 2013

Country name question

So Nikita and I were having dinner together and asking each other puzzles. One we came up with was “How many countries can you name that starts and ends with the same letter”? Each and every one that we came up with – Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria… were with “A”. We could not find a single non-“A” country. Can you? (meaning country names that start and end with the same letter and it is not A)

14 June 2013

Fun start to the day…

After a much delayed flight last night, little sleep and no run this morning, I needed something fun to start the day with. So, I told the lady at the Starbucks that my name is “Dude”. And that is what she put in my cup. And of course the other lady brewing coffee yelled it out before even she realized it… causing some fun among the few of us waiting for our coffee there…. πŸ™‚


14 June 2013

Rope length puzzle

Case A: Imagine you have a rope tightly wound around a basketball. How much more rope do you need for the rope to be one foot away from the surface of the basketball at all times? (as if it is tightly wound around an imaginary ball that has radius one foot more than the radius of the basketball). I do not need an exact answer now. Just imagine it.

Case B: Now imagine you have a rope tightly would around the equator of the earth (what, about 25,000 miles or so?). How much more rope do you need for the rope to be one foot away from the equator at all times? (as if the radius of the earth had increased by a foot). I do not need an exact answer now either. Just imagine it.

Now for the puzzle:
In which case do you think you need more rope – Case A or Case B? Any rough idea by how much?