19 June 2016

Sunday morning Chalupa run

I had to drag myself out of bed today. I have not had a full night’s sleep for the last five days and have already posted some 30 miles for the week. I was very tempted to sleep in – but went out for a run anyways since I will be losing the miles when I am in India next week. And I am glad I went. In our Chalupa group, finally we were able to get some gender balance – as many men as women. Admittedly, we had to throw in Jay Jay (our male dog) into the count to get that parity 🙂

We had Samaresh, Joyjit, Ayan, Ashok, Gita, Malobika and Sharmila. And among the youngsters, we had Nikita, Anannya, Raya, Puja and Abheek.
Did I mention Jay Jay? 🙂


16 June 2016

Sometimes it is about life giving you lemons…

… and you finding some gin and tonic to go with it.

Let’s just say I am not the biggest fan of people who cancel meetings, are late to arrive and late to leave. Both in office meetings and personal life parties. Certainly I am, at times, guilty of the same. But heaven knows how much I try to not do so. Which might explain why I come to parties alone on time and the family comes later.

Anyways, I had a canceled meeting in St. Louis today. I was not amused. Time is truly the only constrained resource I have.

I had to adapt to deal with my blood pressure and recognizing that maybe it was not a canceled meeting – it was an extra hour I was gifted …

I can deal with a gift – went for a quick 5K of run in a nearby trail by the lake and a quick shower in that hour…
