13 March 2013

Papal election!

“Black smoke emerges from Sistine Chapel indicating there is still no decision for a pope after second and third round ballots” reports CNN.
Where is the Florida Supreme Court when you really need it? ๐Ÿ™‚

Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
7 March 2013

Facebook account

This morning, as I was getting ready to leave for my run, I offered to drop Nikita at school on the way. Sharmila looked at me quizzically – I guess she wanted to know why this change of routine today. Honestly, for me, it was a spur of the moment thing. But I offered that I had recently read that we should spend twice the time and half the money with our kids. And for good measure threw in that I also read it should be the opposite with wives (twice the money and half the time). She just walked away shaking her head ๐Ÿ™‚
Nikita, who by now had finished tying up her shoelaces, had this advice for her mom – “We should really cancel his Facebook account” ๐Ÿ™‚ Touchรฉ!!

6 March 2013

Sad state!

The Gallup report on happy/sad (well being) index of states is out.
Montana is way up there! 6th happiest state!! Evidently all the three citizens of Montana are very happy with their lot.
And my home state Georgia is surrounded by chronically depressed people – Tennessee #47, Alabama #45, South Carolina #40 !! So much of Georgia is explained by the company we keep. No wonder it drives us to fry even our healthy food like green tomatoes ๐Ÿ™‚

Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
6 March 2013

Govt is open?

Evidently DC’s snowstorm has shut down Federal govt. It is a good thing that they announce these kind of things on TV. I, for one, did not even realize that the Federal govt was open for business these days ๐Ÿ™‚

Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
3 March 2013


It is 27 degrees in Milton. With wind chill 19 degrees. The question still remains – 3 layers of clothes or 4 for the Sunday morning run? At this point, I am painfully reminded of an old Ian McEwan quote –
โ€œWhat can it be about low temperatures
that sharpens the edges of objects?โ€ ๐Ÿ™‚

Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
2 March 2013


Did you know “stifle” is an anagram of itself?
How many of you are wondering – “What is the big deal? Every word is an anagram of itself”?
Think again….

Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
26 February 2013

Only in San Fran!

So here we were – Sunjay Talele and myself walking down the street from one meeting to another in downtown San Francisco… and then we come across this 24 hour fitness place with glass panels. And inside were a gazillion women doing what I can only guess what Zumba looks like. As we were marveling at those womenfolk dancing at lunch hour, we noticed that the Zumba teacher was a very ebullient man!! From first looks we would not have blamed you for thinking that he might have borrowed the clothes he was wearing from one of his students ๐Ÿ™‚ Only in San Francisco!!!

Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
25 February 2013

India’s national game :-)

Couple of days back, I called up my mom – like I do every single morning. The mood at home – specially mom and my sister – was despondent, to say the least. My mom jumped straight from “How are you?” to lamenting that my niece lost one mark (got 99 out of 100) in her Computer test by messing up one question.

I know how hyper-competitive India is at school level – but I still tried to reason with my mom. I asked her how come nobody is celebrating the 99 questions my niece did get right. Why all the overwhelming attention to one single question she missed?

Trying to use reason with my mom in this context is like trying to explain calculus to a new born. When I pointed out that she is only 10 and that she can’t possibly know everything that is required of her, my mom’s response was – “So what? Which 10 year old does not know that the national game of India is football (soccer as we call here) and not cricket”. Then she commented on the effect of TV and constant cricket and how that is corrupting students.

But something else struck me. I asked her if it was a Computer test, why were they asking about national game of India? What had that got to do with Computers? My mom summarily dismissed this line of questioning and said for Computer Programming, you have to answer all these questions. I think, she forgets at times that I did Computer Science from IIT. ๐Ÿ™‚ She also said that if I had the attitude that I have now when I was studying, I would have never made anything out of my life ๐Ÿ™‚ By this time, my sister also came onboard and started talking about why these are standard questions for all Computer tests.

So, finally, I pulled up my last trump card. I asked them why did they feel that the niece should have written football (soccer) instead of cricket. I gently pointed them to the fact that (field) hockey has been the national game for India for a very long time.

Now that did trigger some memory cells in their minds. For the next three minutes I held the phone to my ear on this side and on the other side I could hear all sorts of discussions going on as confusion reigned supreme ๐Ÿ™‚ Finally, my mom ended the call abruptly saying “We’ll talk later”. I am sure they were looking up all sorts of reference books ๐Ÿ™‚

I did get a call from my niece that evening suggesting I am the best person in the whole wide world ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ Ah! All’s well that ends well ๐Ÿ™‚