9 January 2014


I was driving up I-20 towards Lake Oconee for an office meeting this morning when I thought I saw an unique name of a town. But it went by very fast. Decided to turn around, took an exit 5 miles later and came around, drove back for 9 miles, took another exit and turned back again and then drove slowly till I could get the spot.

Sure enough! A town called Social Circle!!! Just when I thought here in Georgia, our innovation in naming places peaked when we named every street in Atlanta, “Peachtree”!!!


9 January 2014

Perspective on History

One advantage I have of making a lot of friends is that I get to interact with some really smart and wise individuals. Had a drink with a few of them today. The discussion went around Snowden – traitor or whistleblower? A memorable quote from a guy at the discussion I admire immensely – “History is not about the truth. History is the opinion of the victors”!!