21 November 2012

Longest highway ever…

On the top of Cambroneros mountains. This is Pan American Highway – we had taken this same highway in Peru as well as Chile! I am told you can drive on this highway from southern tip of Chile all the way to San Francisco – provided you figured out how to cross the Panama Canal!


21 November 2012

Herradura or Zapaillar?

Yesss!!! Sharmila likes Herradura area as much as Zapaillar in Chile and is willing to consider settling down here instead of Zapaillar. As she pointed out, it is only 4 hours of flight instead of 9 to Atlanta.

Next few years Thanksgiving will be in Guatemala followed by Jamaica, Miami and then Valdosta, Georgia. If you get the drift, by 2018 I will have her convinced to just stay put in Atlanta 🙂

20 November 2012


Snapped these two in the tree. As I was trying to focus on them, a local helpfully explained to me that these macaws mate for life and are therefore always seen in pairs. My first reaction was “Mate for life?? First, respect the stamina! 🙂 Second, don’t even bother applying for a CIA position” 🙂 🙂


20 November 2012

5K run

5K run. That would be the 11th country I put in a 5K run after US, Canada, India, Spain, Portugal, Germany, England, Peru, Chile and Argentina. I had to stop twice – partially due to the heat, humidity and hills. And partially because I have never seen so many colorful birds in one run….