22 May 2021

Guess who we ran into?

Good old Roger!

Our friend of 22 years from Dallas!! The guy with whom I trekked thru the Gobi desert! We were in Marco Island and he was visiting clients in Fort Myers…

A dinner together had to happen. And of course, plan for the next crazy trip!!

20 May 2021

You know, every time I think I understand how airlines work…

… the airlines come up with a curve ball for me. Yet another first time for me!!!

Sitting at the Delta Skyclub, as I wrapped up my office emails – I looked up at the display board to see if there was any delay in my flight. And sure enough – the top entry showed “Canceled”. The destination? Atlanta! The time of departure? 5:04!!

That is my flight 🙂

8 million miles later, I have figured out how to take these things in my stride. What I was curious about though is why I did not get a notification from Delta. Usually, they let me know how they have rebooked me. Checked on my phone and it said my flight was on time!!

Thoroughly confused, I went closer to the display board to check. And you can see what I am confused with even now…

2 different flights – same airlines – same destination – same time – one canceled and one on time! Luckily my number matched the one on time.

I looked up Delta’s website on the canceled flight number to see if it was delayed. I could not find any such flight today or tomorrow!!

I have no idea what happened here…