1 October 2023

Countries that I have been to as of today

Total count: 54 

Area of those countries as a fraction of the world: 42%

Population of those countries as a fraction of the world: 59%

Thank you Larry again, for all the tips to make the map code.

Category: Maps | LEAVE A COMMENT
25 September 2023

Blog Readers from the World

The world map showing where all the readers to my blog come from. Intensity of color signifies the number of readers from that country. 170 countries to date.

Thanks to Larry Mason for helping me with the WordPress editor when I was stuck.

Category: Maps | LEAVE A COMMENT
1 November 2017

Gins of the World

I started this year thinking I will do all my research and studying of gins. The history of gins, the manufacturing process, the different ingredients in different gins and the difference in gins by their origins. I also wanted to try out those gins in different cocktails and make a comparative study.

The good news is that so far, I have learned a lot. I mean a lot.

The bad new is that my original estimate of 26 gins in 52 weeks has now ballooned to 38 gins. I think I will continue with this in 2018.

In the meanwhile, I mapped out all the distilleries for these 38 different gins spread over 13 different countries in 4 different continents. Looked cool…

And here is the link to the map in case anybody wants to know more details: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=en&mid=1tsYujwbCei154Wv5BYBTQxUyn0I&ll=29.843387093543175%2C-80.20935361249997&z=3