12 December 2012

After twenty years!!!

It might be a lot of fun to ride in a one horse open sleigh but let me tell you what is more fun: Meeting up with somebody I worked with twenty years back!! And we met by running together for a few miles early in the dark morning in Central Park, New York!! The Starbucks after that was extra special as I caught up with the fascinating twenty year journey of Sourabh Banerji. Always feel special to count such successful professionals and genuine human beings as my friends.


14 September 2012

Nikita and the harmonium

Couple of hours of Bengali songs was interrupted by Nikita who walked into the music room wanting to try some Indian instrument. I showed her how to play the tabla, harmonium, an Indian flute and even the Cajones (admittedly not Indian but Cuban). She immediately settled for the harmonium. When I asked her how she chose what to try, she said that looked closest to a piano 🙂
