26 October 2018

All I had asked for was ideas on what I could try memorizing

Instead got sucked into one more of those fascinating books recommended by my scholarly friend – Somshekhar. He has now led me down the road to learn how our human memory works and how very ordinary people can learn how to commit to memory incredible amount of things.

Nippy weather in Atlanta… sitting out with my Dog Friday – Jay Jay… and reading this well written book is almost taking away the errrr… memory of four much-delayed flights of this week 😉

Admittedly, Jay Jay has that slightly impatient look of “I don’t need no stinkin’ book to remember that tonight is Pringles night and you have not taken me to the music room yet!!

30 April 2017

One good turn deserved another…

I ran a 5K race after a long time this morning. To make sure that I did not wait for that long a time for the next one, I went ahead and ran a second one this evening. Morning one was on a flat surface and I was able to post 8:13 min/mile. The evening one was on punishing hills and I had to slow down to 8:41 min/mile. But there was wine at the end of it 🙂

Nikita and our dog Jay Jay came to cheer me up. (Sharmila is visiting Natasha in New York).

Your probably remember some of the inspiring pictures of kids running in the morning. The evening one was no different. The evening run was to raise money for differently abled kids who are financially disadvantaged. There was one kid who clearly was differently abled who showed up (for the shorter version of the race) to raise money for his brethren.

I was touched by him enough to hang around till he showed up at the finishing line. I was completely humbled by the fact that somebody who can barely walk properly would show up for a race just to raise money for kids like him but in a different financial situation.

What blew my mind was the sight of his mom walking step for step with him all the way. What sacrifices must she have made to raise her son all her life!

Every time the next hill in my run threatened to take my breath away, all I had to do was remind myself of what I had just seen. The world was very even after that.

Let the records indicate that for all the divisiveness we have pushed ourselves to in the garb of so called knowledge and intelligence, our basic instinct of just being humane is often still intact!!!

7 August 2016

Teasing Jay Jay

As much as Jay Jay kept screaming at the deer, the deer just did more antics to make Jay Jay mad!! This is inside our property and part of the property was fenced in specifically for this purpose – the keep the dog in and the deer out.


19 June 2016

Sunday morning Chalupa run

I had to drag myself out of bed today. I have not had a full night’s sleep for the last five days and have already posted some 30 miles for the week. I was very tempted to sleep in – but went out for a run anyways since I will be losing the miles when I am in India next week. And I am glad I went. In our Chalupa group, finally we were able to get some gender balance – as many men as women. Admittedly, we had to throw in Jay Jay (our male dog) into the count to get that parity 🙂

We had Samaresh, Joyjit, Ayan, Ashok, Gita, Malobika and Sharmila. And among the youngsters, we had Nikita, Anannya, Raya, Puja and Abheek.
Did I mention Jay Jay? 🙂
