29 March 2015

I guess my first hint should have been that I was trying to use a Microsoft product…

Usually, I just use Apple or Google products (and let them save in Microsoft formats if I have to send to somebody). I was trying to use Microsoft applications today (in this particular case, Powerpoint). First the application crashed. It asked me if it was okay to send a Error Report. Coming from software background, I am always about helping anybody debug. So, I said Yes. Now, the Microsoft Error Reporting crashed!!!! This is too funny!

Screen Shot 2015-03-28 at 10.00.04 PM

24 March 2015

Another of those trick photography

Crystal clear day… Cloudless blue skies… Beautiful early morning sunlight. 5 mile run by the River Chattahoochee. Took a shot by the river with my iPhone while running. You can see the beautiful sky and the early sun hitting the trees.

What may not be immediately apparent is that what you are seeing is actually a reflection in the water. If you do not believe me, try turning the picture upside down!!!

Raghu, you may want to listen to Bob’s advice from last time and just keep you ipad on the table and go around the table 🙂
