3 January 2016

A puzzle – seemingly simple, but not quite

Here you go Debajyoti – since you were clamoring for another one. This one involves probability and can be considered very simple or very intriguing depending on your point of view…

I was having drinks with two of my friends last evening when the discussion meandered around our kids. All three of us have two kids each and no twins. Chris mentioned that his boy has really taken to high school football. The other child is less inclined towards sports and prefers to excel academically. Rick, the other friend – who is the youngest of the three of us – talked about his four year old son overjoyed with his grandparents’ visit during Christmas and all the gifts he got. Rick and his wife also just had a baby – and that was one more reason the grandparents had come – to help them around in the house.

So, now the question for you: Which of my two friends – Chris or Rick is more likely to have a daughter?

29 December 2015

It was yellow today too!

I was getting ready to post this morning’s run in my blog (and Facebook) when FB showed the events from this day (Dec 29) in the last few years. Incredibly enough – last year on this day, I ran the same route (as evidenced by FB’s timeline pictures) and I was wearing yellow that day too. I remember that Sharmila was in India (just like today) and I went to put in a run before the kids would wake up (again, just like today). The big difference is it was a cold, dreary winter morning last year in the mid 30s; whereas, today was a bright sunny morning in the mid 60s.

Something tells me Dudley is going to relate to this story 🙂


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