1 May 2024

Achieved a dubious feat

With this run, now I have run in more countries in the world (30) than in states in the USA (29)! Need to go around running in USA a little bit more.

This was my first run after hurting my left leg. Was a bit relieved that I was able to finish it. Not to take any chances, did a lot of stretching and drank of lot of water this time 🙂

30 April 2024

Playa Bonita

This time we decided to stay away from the city. This is about 30 minutes drive south of the city. The beach is full of shells. That is the Pacific ocean. My mind is slightly disoriented. I am always expecting that to be the west (Pacific side). In reality, the isthmus of Panama is such that I am actually facing south.

This is a view from the room.