29 October
Drove to my in laws’ place in Durgapur yesterday and spent an hour with them. Most of the discussions there were around physical ailments and doctors and medicines. Decided I was eminently too young to be involved in those discussions 🙂 Letting my brother hold fort with them, I ventured out in their garden (my father in law has great green thumbs) to see if I could take some pictures of flowers with my iPhone.
This one, I believe is a Radhachura. Not sure of the English name. We grew up in Durgapur with this flower and its close relative Krishnachura (which was entirely yellow in color).
Anybody knows the English names?
Rajib, this is Krishnochura. Radhachura is the yellow one.
Really? Shouldn’t red be associated with Radha?
Remember the song “krishnochura agun tumi, fagun jhorao baane” by Geeta Dutta? Fire, red.
Bijit, I just read your comment. Very funny.
By the way, these are peacock flowers, so krishna and radha will now have to find a different thread.
Indian Delonix Regia or Gulmohar.
No, peacock flower.
Are you sure about the gulmohar bit? I thought you need all red petals and one spotted petal to be a gulmohar.
The flower in the photo looks like from a young tree, not fully grown yet. Am I correct in my understanding?
Peltophorum Pterocarpum- radhachura
Delonix Regia- krishnachura
Eta krishnochura Bacchu.
This is not Krishnachura. It is red in colour. It blooms in spring mostly. There’s alot in BJHS. Totally red.
How many days are you staying in durgapur?
None. I was there for an hour
Oho. Next time please make a time for meeting you
absolutely. You are top in my list
Thanx Rajib
If it is a tall full shrub, the botanical name is Caesalpinia pulcherrima.
It resembles Gulmohur i. e Delonix regia
Absolutely correct – these are neither Krishnachura nor Radhachura – these are peacock flowers. I retract from my earlier statement. I have seen this too earlier and was not very sure – thanks Kavita!
Rajib if the flower is red then it is Krishnachura /Gulmohar ,and if it is yellow then it is Radhachura .I have also seen another colour which was blue in colour beside Alloy Steel Stadium and Nehru Stadium ,but they were very few in numbers . Don’t know whether those trees are still there or not .
Yup think it’s gulmohar. Get some seeds!
Mexican red bird of paradise. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesalpinia_pulcherrima
Okay. Other than the fact everybody agrees that this is NOT Radhachura as I claimed, I still have multiple divergent answers to what it really is….
Kavita is correct – these are peacock flowers, somewhat similar to krishnachura.
YEah, looks like Peacock flowers is what we are veering towards. So, what is the Bengali name?
There is no bengali name to my knowledge. These are comparatively new species in India. The is always a shrub while krishnachura and radhachura are trees.
Wikipedia says Gulmohar is Radhachura. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delonix_regia
Wikipedia is an idiot 🙂 🙂
That page says “The naturally occurring variety flavida (Bengali: Radhachura) has yellow flowers.”
Caesalpinia pulcherrima or peacock flower. We GSB community use this flower extensively during auspicious month of Shraavan
That ensures that only one question remain… What is GSB???
Oh you don’t know GSB !! We are Gowda Saraswat Brahmins – concentrated along the coastal belt running from Mangalore to Goa
Radhachura is peeli gulmohar/ neeli gulmohar is Jacaranda/ lal gulmohar is common summer blooms
I did not know that, Meena! Specially the jacaranda part