lovely picture Rajib Roy, it must have been very satisfying to capture that, well done!..I find it very interesting how the flowers and the bird have co-evolved in size and shape.. For the humming bird to flap its wings so rapidly, it needs lots of nectar.. which the flower is more than happy to provide along with the real deal.. pollen. So why did the flower show preference to coevolve with the humming bird instead of a bee? that I would like to know.
Which camera – phone?
Chaludana !
Wow Raj! That photo is remarkable… she was staring directly at you!
lovely shot..
Staring directly at the CEO, United Fruits Company 🙂
very cool. Now give yourself a break and photograph a sloth:)
and the result is outstanding
Nice shot!
Awesome click:-)
Well done mate – pretty crisp shot.
xcellent snap
Google images do not count 😉
Nice exposure.
Superb !
Did it taste like chicken?
Somply wow
lovely picture Rajib Roy, it must have been very satisfying to capture that, well done!..I find it very interesting how the flowers and the bird have co-evolved in size and shape.. For the humming bird to flap its wings so rapidly, it needs lots of nectar.. which the flower is more than happy to provide along with the real deal.. pollen. So why did the flower show preference to coevolve with the humming bird instead of a bee? that I would like to know.