20 January 2019

The plot thickens!!!

Roger is in town!! Had a great time chatting with him the whole day yesterday. Our topics of discussions were as varied as weird – from marriages to financial markets to retirement to what to do now that we are finally this young… Of course, there was a lot of reminiscing our days in Mongolia. This is the first time we met after venturing into our first “let’s go somewhere where most people know not much about” trip.

Speaking of what to do now that we are finally this young… we hit upon a not-so-innovative-any-more idea. “Let’s go to another place that most people do not know much about.” As we hopped from a coffee place here to a bar there – we asked a few people what they knew about a particular country we came up with. It is with great satisfaction we noted that nobody knows much about that country at all!!

The search for flights has begun already (yeah! too many stops involved šŸ™ ). We are withholding the destination name till we get our respective spouses – Sharmila and Shauna – to approve it. We have taken enough care in our choice to ensure that the spouses will never want to go there šŸ™‚

20 January 2019

Spiced up martini

It is getting cold in Atlanta. Temperatures are below freezing and nearly 20 mph winds are putting another 10-12 degree wind chill to the skin. Went with a martini – wet and dirty. To spice it up a little, used UV’s Sriracha vodka.
Great length from the Sriracha!

15 January 2019

Book Review: “How not to be my Patient”

This year, during my annual physicals, my doctor – Dr. Jarrett – who has been looking after my health for nearly 10 years, suggested I read a book called ā€œHow Not To Become My Patientā€. I remember I was asking Dr. Jarrett about not just my physical health – which we obviosuly go thru in every annual physicals – but also about how to keep my brain and memory active. As well as focus on having a full life instead of a longer life – now that I am 52 already.

Written by the leading oncologist as well as specialist in palliative care in the renowned Mayo Clinic, Dr. Creado, basically deals with three large topics in this book. The first segment of the book is about what you should be aware of as a patient about doctors and hospitals. That was not so interesting, frankly, to me. The third segment deals with how you cope when you are diagnosed with a life-ending ailment. That part did not interest me either. But I am keeping this book because I think once some doctor some day has that ā€œI am sorry but you have…. and you have … days to liveā€ discussion with me, I might want to read those chapters more thoroughly.

What is very interesting though is the second segment of the book where Dr. Creadon deals with a variety of topics – sleeping, exercises, prayers, time management, stress management, being under the sun, nutrition fads and so on. This was the most important part for me, as of this read. It is focused more on the prevention aspect than the cure aspect.

If it interests you to learn about what you can do to potentially have a higher quality life – specially in the latter half of your life, this might be an interesting read!

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