25 March 2023

Canton ride

Slightly unsuccessful hunt for a coffee shop. Headed first to Whitetail Coffee. Restoration Brewery area was a mess. There was a big festival going on. Parking was not easy. Rode to Joe Muggs coffee next. Found out they have closed. Settled for sitting down at Books a Million and catching up on some reading.

5 February 2023

38 degrees (so far) is the answer

The question is – what is the coldest temperature that I have ridden my bike in. Hit the highway at 70 mph today at 9:30am with temperatures at 38 degrees – the layering and heated gloves held up well. It was a short test ride (15 miles). The inside upper legs were getting cold since they were taking a direct hit from the wind. (I had three layers of pants on).

4 February 2023

Heated gloves to the rescue!

The heated gloves have really opened up the aperture of temperatures I can ride the motorcycle in. It was high winds and low 40s. Yet, other than the slight discomfort of so many layers making quick movement of the arms and legs difficult and some cold wind still making it thru the helmet gaps, the rides are as enjoyable as spring or fall ones!