3 March 2022

Surprise dinner guest

First time seeing a porcupine in the wild! We were busy having dinner when this stranger showed up. None of us could recognize it till the server told us that it was an African porcupine. It was about two feet long without the tail. It got on to the scaffoldings under the roof and just nestled itself there for the rest of the evening.

3 March 2022

Looking into the rainforest

From Villa Caletas. The resort is at a height of 1320 feet. To put this in perspective, Atlanta is at about 1050 feet. That was a sheer drop. We could see the macaws gliding by in pairs. Unfortunately, I did not have my DSLR with me this time. Could not catch any of them from such a distance with my iPhone. Saw a couple of hummingbirds flit by very near to us.