30 January 2019

I am checking off Antarctica from my bucket list

So this is how minus 51 deg F (minus 46 deg C) feels like. Put on innumerable layers and stepped out of the hotel to take a five minute walk. Lasted for one and a half minutes. Just the frame of my glasses became so cold that its contact with the skull gave me a headache.

Some day later in life, I will probably look back to this day and realize that this was the coldest temperature I ever stepped out into in my life.

An unique face to face meeting with Mother Nature.

26 January 2019

Math with Nikita

Doing math with Nikita is awesome for me for one reason – it brings back a lot of memories of the math lessons I had to go thru. Today’s was different though. Can’t remember ever having done graphing of polar co-ordinates. We did not have graphing calculators and had no desmos.com either. Took me a couple of hours to master it and even then Nikita pointed out a mistake I had made while teaching her…

20 January 2019

The plot thickens!!!

Roger is in town!! Had a great time chatting with him the whole day yesterday. Our topics of discussions were as varied as weird – from marriages to financial markets to retirement to what to do now that we are finally this young… Of course, there was a lot of reminiscing our days in Mongolia. This is the first time we met after venturing into our first “let’s go somewhere where most people know not much about” trip.

Speaking of what to do now that we are finally this young… we hit upon a not-so-innovative-any-more idea. “Let’s go to another place that most people do not know much about.” As we hopped from a coffee place here to a bar there – we asked a few people what they knew about a particular country we came up with. It is with great satisfaction we noted that nobody knows much about that country at all!!

The search for flights has begun already (yeah! too many stops involved 🙁 ). We are withholding the destination name till we get our respective spouses – Sharmila and Shauna – to approve it. We have taken enough care in our choice to ensure that the spouses will never want to go there 🙂