24 March 2015

Another of those trick photography

Crystal clear day… Cloudless blue skies… Beautiful early morning sunlight. 5 mile run by the River Chattahoochee. Took a shot by the river with my iPhone while running. You can see the beautiful sky and the early sun hitting the trees.

What may not be immediately apparent is that what you are seeing is actually a reflection in the water. If you do not believe me, try turning the picture upside down!!!

Raghu, you may want to listen to Bob’s advice from last time and just keep you ipad on the table and go around the table πŸ™‚


23 March 2015

Inspiring words…

“In life I have forgotten how many times I have fallen…

How many times I have hurt myself…

Each time, the entire world laughed at me…

But I never gave up. I have always picked myself up…

…dusted myself and walked upto the waiter and said…

Another large beer, please”

Thank you Sanjib πŸ™‚

22 March 2015

From the bartender’s corner – Jamaican Yo Yo

This has Rum and Tia Maria.
I get the Jamaican part – the Rum originates from the Caribbean (well actually Columbus brought sugarcane from Spain to the Caribbean and the Caribbeans must have gone – “What good is a nice sweet plant? Let’s leave it for rotting and then drink the juice” πŸ™‚ ). Tia Maria is a coffee liqueur made from Jamaican coffee.

But why the Yo Yo? Is it because the rum makes you sleepy and the coffee keeps you up? πŸ™‚


21 March 2015

Building up on strength and endurance

After two Saturday 10-mile runs this month, wanted to see if I could speed up a little. Last two were 10:32 min/mile and 10:04 min/mile. Was targeting a 9:45 min/mile (about an hour and thirty eight minutes) today. Due to some incomprehensible enthusiasm, started too fast. Eventually paced it out to finish at 9:14 min/mile (an hour and thirty two minutes). I did have to take two water breaks and allow myself to catch up with my breath. I have no doubt that I am going to pay for this dearly tomorrow. It was an absolutely gorgeous spring day though!!


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20 March 2015

This does not happen to me often

Usually, on the road, I am the one learning about other countries. You know the cab driver from Ethiopia in DC, the restaurant waitress from Serbia in Portland, the porter from Ghana in Atlanta airport and such. I certainly have a lot of questions for them about their countries of birth. Rarely do I get a chance to teach somebody from a foreign country stuff about their own country.

Well, that did happen this week.

I had finished my dinner meeting with Bob (from work) in the restaurant of the Marriott hotel at Philly airport and had walked him to the parking lot. With all the flying and meetings, the middle of the week was already feeling like the end of the week for me. I was walking back in the hotel, mentally calculating that I would grab my ipad, go to the bar, pick a nightcap and clear out all the pending emails from my inbox.

It was then that I met this really cheerful and helpful lady who asked if I needed help. (Frankly, I was a little confused since I did not know my way back from the parking lot connector to the elevators). I did recognize her as the same lady who had checked me in when I arrived at the hotel. And I remembered her name – Roxana.

After she gave me directions, I thought I would thank her for helping me twice. So, I asked her whether she was from Philadelphia area. She said – No, she was from Costa Rica! I was like “Wow! I love your country”. Over the next thirty minutes I told her how my family loves Costa Rica and we always try to excite people we meet to visit Costa Rica.

She asked me about some of my favorite places. I told her about Guatil. She was not sure where this place was. I told her that it was a village where there are only twenty households – and everybody made pottery. My daughters got lessons on how to make pots there. She had never heard of that place!! Fortunately, I had my iPad handy. I quickly took her to my website and showed her pictures. Then Google maps showed that this village was within 100 kms from her own place!! And she had not heard about this place!!!

Then I talked about the beautiful waterfall that very few people knew of. How we had to trek thru dirt road to reach that place. There were no signs of civilization. So, after we had dived in the water, we had come to the realization that we had to change our clothes behind bushes. Showed her the pictures of the waterfall. Turns out she had never heard of “Janllos de Cortes” either.

Of course, she knew many other places we had been to. But she did conclude that her country was much more beautiful than she herself knew. And that she could not believe that she had to learn that from an Indian living in US!! She made a list of places from my website that she had to visit when she was back in Costa Rica. She walked away thinking I was the most traveled person in the world. At least most traveled in her mother land. Between you and me, you know that I am not that well traveled in Costa Rica at all. Let alone the rest of world. But it always helps to have local friends like Jorge and Victoria and ask them – “Tell me about places in your country that most tourists don’t go to, but you would take your family”!!

Felt really good! As a result, I had two nightcaps!!!


19 March 2015

Stop putting words in Einstein’s mouth!

One of the challenges of social media is that with the flick of a finger we can send to the world a link or a much-circulated post because one simply agreed with the message. One often gets so carried away that one does not stop to check the veracity of the words being forwarded. Sometimes one will even tag others even though those “others” are never mentioned in the post or in the picture πŸ™‚

Einstein never said that he is “afraid of the day technology will surpass human beings”. Putting words in his mouth might seemingly add weight to the message, but that does not change the fact there is absolutely no evidence of he ever saying that. The most authentic source of Einstein’s words that we are aware of is a collection maintained by Princeton University Press.

The post going around that I refer to is the one where you see Einstein’s picture and that quote unquote “quote” πŸ™‚ and then a picture of young kids on their phones.

So, that was the lie part.

Now the irony part.

You will notice that the youngsters never post posts that say “We are becoming dumb”. It is the parents, elder ones and allegedly wiser ones who feel that the next generation is becoming “dumber”. Or even their own generation that is taking to all these new fangled technologies with multi tasking etc etc. [It is a completely different point that they might be making their own point by forwarding posts that are patently untrue πŸ™‚ ]

However, the concern and disdain that we might have towards technology and modern style of communication changing us (younger and older generations) is no less than what our parents had for us. You probably recollect how our parents never understood how we could listen to music AND do homework at the same time. (multitasking? what is multitasking? πŸ™‚ )

Or what has happened for generations. Socrates and Plato were against written communication. They thought that this new technology will make future generations dumb because they would lose the faculty of memory.

Or when Samuel Morse (yes, he who invented the telegraph), as the lead in the Board of Western Union passed up on the opportunity to buy the patent to a new fangled things some guy called Alexander Graham Bell had invented because he thought future generations will become dumb if they used any communication without written record or proof.

So, let’s stop being cynical about newer tools and how new generations use them. Yes, there are side effects. None so dramatic as to make all future generations dumb. Human beings have their own way of adapting and adopting. This is how growth and progress looks from the inside. Over time, we learn to reject what does not work. No amount of Facebook post forwarding is going to influence that.

So, quit worrying. They will do fine. We will do fine.

Hang on now, as I research some links so that I can forward all of them to you with this post πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

[Disclaimer: If you are one of those that posted that Einstein thingy, don’t feel bad. There are too many of my friends that have done it for me to be able to single you out :-). Plus there is always the irony of critiquing FB posts thru a FB post πŸ™‚ ]