25 March 2013


A great evening with my father-in-law and mother-in-law. We (and that includes my brother and brother-in-law) talked about the widest range of topics! From good places to retire in to updates on other relatives.
It must not have escaped your notice that my mom is the only one focused on eating. You would also notice that everybody has a wine glass except her.
Coincidence? I think not!!!


25 March 2013

Pniyaji and Chai

On our three hour drive to meet my inlaws in Durgapur, my brother, brother in law, and myself took a break for “pniyaji and chai” (fritters and tea) by the highway near Panagarh. If there was ever a “upset-stomache-served-in-a-plate”, this has to be it πŸ™‚


25 March 2013

Mobile commerce

Kalyani’s own version of “Mobile Commerce”. You don’t need no stinking mobile phone to order goods or services. Here, goods come to you. In a three wheel pedal-pushed van πŸ™‚ You have to just buy it if you want πŸ™‚


25 March 2013


Best part of every day while in India. It is 5:30 in the morning – dad and I are sitting outside. Completely drowned in what seems like a million birds tweeting. Beautiful mellifluous sounds – especially the cuckoos. The rude noises of the world waking up – the train’s horn in the distance, the launch’s hoot from the Ganges and the clanking of cars in great need of maintenance are yet to set in.
The pre-dawn light is barely glimmering thru what promises to be a foggy morning and the light wind from the river is gently wafting by.
Dad and I have been sitting here for over an hour sipping multiple cups of tea. Hardly any words are being spoken – yet volumes are being communicated.
If only these moments could be bottled up and replayed at will in life.

23 March 2013

Chicken Internet

Myself, my brother and brother in law went for a walk and stepped into a Monginis to have snacks. Both of them ordered the same plate. It is called Chicken Internet!!!
Apparently it is very popular.
I have no idea what the hell “Chicken Internet” means.
Or how it got its name. Maybe the snack and the Internet are both teeming with viruses? It certainly explains why my sister was so flummoxed when I had asked her to look for something starting with “W W W” while looking for her daughter’s test results on the Internet πŸ™‚


23 March 2013


On my way to surprise dad and mom in Kalyani. In previous trip, I have seen various animals on the road – dogs, cats, cows, buffaloes, pigs … But an elephant is a first this time!!
