12 November 2017

Another Sunday morning word puzzles

This one comes from Nikita and myself. We have been looking into different “meters”. By that, I mean different kind of instruments that end with the word “meter”. I am sure you know what is a thermometer, a barometer and maybe even a ammeter if you are an engineer.

See if you know any of these that we learnt recently. If you don’t try to guess from the root of the word and then feel free to Google. Then write in the comment section the number of words you knew or had guessed correctly.

I will post the answers after 24 hours.

So, what do you think is a….

1. Butyrometer
2. Drisdometer
3. Drosometer
4. Laxometer
5. Macrometer
6. Opisometer
7. Potometer
8. Pyrometer (my first guess was it measures temperatures – you know “pyro” meaning fire; but as Nikita pointed out that is what a thermometer is for :-))
9. Variometer
10. Vertometer

Happy “metering”….