14 December 2016

Tables have been turned…

Niki is at an extracurricular activity and I am waiting outside. Sharmila has reached home and I got a call from her “Are there any eggs at home?”. I am sure she has noticed the completely clean refrigerator in the kitchen by now. I asked her to look in the refrigerator in the garage (where I had put in the thoughtfully bought extra carton of eggs).

And just now, I sent her by email a list of all the weekend activities and parties I have signed her up for like she does to me every weekend πŸ™‚

Who is wearing the pants in our house now? πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

14 December 2016

“Finish all the food”, she said…


You probably remember the long set of instructions she had left for Niki and myself on the refrigerator before she left for India. You might also remember that one of the instructions was to finish off all the food.

Last time the refrigerator was this clean was when we moved from Dallas to Atlanta.

Nikita and I just realized that the joke might be on us this evening. Sharmila will be home very soon. What are we going to eat this evening?

I think in Computer Science this was the classical off-by-one error!!!

14 December 2016

Nikispeak – “Mr.Mom”

Sharmila is coming back today. Fortunately, Niki and I did not bring the house down during her absence (or at least not yet, although the dog has threatened to help every day). On the contrary, we got every homework done on time, got up on time everyday, were early for school every day, did not miss any of her activities and what not. What is more, I cleaned the house every morning before Niki woke up, made her lunch, breakfast and pretty much held the office work and home and her activities together. With some aplomb, if I might add πŸ™‚

Bringing that to her attention, I mentioned to her this morning- “See, I can be Mr. Dad and Mr. Mom”
She: There is no such thing as a “Mr. Mom”
Me: Yes, there is.
She: Well, you might be Mr. Mom but you will never be a “Mr. English Teacher”

Ah! You cannot win them all!!