19 September 2013

Pink Shirt Guy!!

Last evening, I was a speaker at an event – I know, I can fool some people some time 🙂 . In any case, I reached there a little early to avoid traffic and settled down at a nearby bar with a glass of wine to work the pitch out in my mind.
This was a bar where the servers did not wear name tags. Which was a bummer since I like to address a person by his or her name to say thanks when leaving.
So, to be smart, I tried to quickly glance at the receipt to see the name of this elderly lady who was serving me. It was Anne. But I was struck by what name she had given me without asking my name 🙂
I did get her to take a picture of me – so I could put this post together !!
So after all the Starbucks names, I have a new name – The Pink Shirt Guy!!
