6 June 2015

25K run

Stretched the long run a little more to 25K (15.6M) today. Samantha and Lia, you would be proud of me that instead of running and walking, I ran the whole distance today. As a result, I am three toenails short of full count πŸ™‚


4 June 2015

I keep forgetting how high Denver is :-(

Went for a quick 5K run before office calls started. Delighted by mid fifties temperature, the sun hidden by a cloud cover and relatively flat roads and dry conditions, I picked up my speed a bit.

In under fifteen minutes, I was reminded of how our geography teacher in eighth grade Mrs. Bhowmic had painstakingly explained why oxygen level and height from mean sea level are negatively correlated for a given location πŸ™‚

I am wiped out!

27 May 2015

What was that again?

Here is an interesting piece of news that should make all oenophiles in the world throw up – apparently, good wine tastes like koala bear urine. You can read about it here: http://io9.com/good-wine-tastes-more-like-koala-urine-than-youd-think-1706588545

Who in this world sits in their lab and conjures up these experiments? Did somebody go – “I know. Here is a discovery idea that will revolutionize the world. I am going to taste all animal urine and see which one tastes most like wine!!”

And who funds these kind of experiments?

Can’t wait till Wine Spectator puts its rating on the new errrr… “Pee”no Grigio??? πŸ™‚